Shine your way through Covid with these 8 activities.
How to make your spring activities Covid-friendly while dealing with social distancing, restrictions, and boredom, all while absorbing some happy vitamins.
With spring right around the corner and restrictions still (sort-of) in place, I decided to give y’all a list of covid-friendly activities to do once the nice weather rolls around. Finally, am I right?! And I know, I know, restrictions are slowly being lifted and places are finally opening back up. But there’s nothing wrong with still not feeling comfortable being inside with a bunch of strangers. So here’s some fun stuff to do that doesn’t require socializing with people.
Before I start, let’s address the elephant. It’s been months since I’ve posting anything. I wish I could say it was because I was out gallivanting through the USA or something, but Covid. In all honesty, I have no excuse. Life took ahold of me at the beginning of my hiatus, but then I didn’t know how to come back. Do I just start posting like I didn’t disappear for 4 months? I even pulled out my computer and stared at a blank screen. So instead, I just binge watched Bridgerton and told myself “I’ll post tomorrow”. Well, tomorrow turned into another month and now I’m finally here. Making my official “comeback” as the Bucket List Broad…with nothing checked off my bucket list, because again, covid.
So without further ado, here’s 8 covid-friendly activities to do this spring.
1.Take a Hike.

Seriously. Even if it’s not up a mountain or even a hill. So maybe just take a walk. Down the street or around the local park, anywhere but your living room to your kitchen. Feel that warmth and get some much needed vitamin D! (Plus I bet the exercise might help those pani-pounds come off!!). Bonus if you have a dog, they’ll not only be your motivational partner, but im sure they’d love to get out too! Looking for new trails to hike? This super cool app Alltrails, will show you all the trails near you! Bonus activity for kids: Call it a nature walk, collect things you find (i.e. leaves, twigs, etc.) and turn them into artwork when you get home! Keeps them busy, keeps you sane.
2. Start a garden.
I know I know. I don’t have a green thumb either. But luckily there’s like 7,000 webpages to help you and some fellow bloggers that have a such a green thumb they’re practically glowing green. Gardening benefits in multiple ways: keeps you busy, holds you accountable, gets you that vitamin D (yeah, I’m all about that D today) and bonus, you reap healthy benefits! (Which is, the vegetables you grow, in case you didn’t get that.)
Interested in learning more? Here are some gardening blogs that you should check out!
3. Pick up a new sport.
I’m not saying start tackling people on the football field, don’t get crazy on me. But you can pick up a tennis racket or swing a golf club. Who knows, you might just fall in love with something new….or just be really sore from physical activity for a few days. But you can’t say you don’t like something until you’ve tried! Who knows, maybe you’re secretly the next Tiger Woods…just without the DUIs and sex scandals. Not into too physical of activities? Lucky for you, fishing is a thing. and you can buy cheap rods at Walmart along with the basics- but be sure you have the appropriate licenses before heading out!
4. Go to the beach.

I know what you’re thinking, it’s New England, the water will still be equivalent to rolling around in a snow bank. But you can do more than just swim at the beach! Go collect rocks, sea glass, or anything else the winter storms have brought to shore. Bonus activity: take the rocks home, and take part in the The Kindness Rocks Project™
5. Go on a picnic.
Cheesy? Maybe. Fun? Absolutely. Whether it’s with your significant other or a few friends, nothing beats eating lunch outside. Besides, if you’re anything like me-people watching is an activity all on its own, and with the nice weather rolling around everyone will be outside!
6. Did someone say Road Trip?

You don’t have to go hundreds of miles for a long drive to qualify. Hit up a new town, go to that little cafe you’ve heard so much about, or just take the scenic route to wherever you have to go. New England has a ton of scenery to absorb, from Vermont, to the mountains of New Hampshire, and the shores of Maine. I can almost guarantee you’ll find a destination worth driving to. You can find some scenic byways to check out here: https://www.visit-massachusetts.com/state/scenic-byways/
7. Take advantage of outside dining.
Luckily, a lot of restaurants were able to make the best out of a bad situation and have added, if not already provided, outdoor dining. This activity isn’t for everyone, if you’re not comfortable at a restaurant-I totally get it, I haven’t been to one since September. Why, you ask? Outdoor dining. I just don’t feel comfortable confined by four walls and a ventilation system. So outdoor dining is a major luxury in the covid-friendly activities department. You’ve been in a house all winter, let someone else cook for you…finally!!
8. Read.
You can do that inside all year round, so what makes this a spring activity? Let me ask you, have you ever read outside? Because it’s a whole different reading zone. Something about-you guessed it- the vitamin D that just enhances the reading experience. Okay okay, this one might be the nerd in me speaking, but seriously, reading outside is one of my favorite activities. Between the warm sun, the birds chirping, and definately a nice cup of coffee, it’s just what you need for some “Me” time. If you need a good book to warm up with, check out my recommendations here: https://bucketlistbroad.com/category/books/

Bottom line,
after being cooped up in the house for 5 months, freezing are buns off and stressing about the holiday season, the best thing to do for your health is get outside. Season depression is the real deal and the sun really does make you happy! *Cue Julie Andrews frolicking in a field singing* These covid-friendly activities will help make spring feel like a breath of fresh air.
I hope you all have been healthy, happy, and not too stir crazy!
Enjoy the nice weather and thank you for welcoming me back into your lives!
Till next time, your favorite broad. Xx

Mexican Stuffed Shells
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