How to pack a stress free bag for your weekend getaway
Packing for a long weekend can be stressful. It may only be a few days, but you still are inaccessible to everything in your closet. And let’s be honest, packing is the LAST thing on your mind when you’re getting away! Who wants to worry about toiletries when you have day trips to plan?! Lucky for you, I’m a self-proclaimed packing guru, and I’ve got you covered. So here are my top ten tips to pack a stress free bag for your weekend getaway:
1. Don’t overpack, but pack ENOUGH
But what does that mean?! Always pack an extra outfit, not five. You might not have known that dirt road was more of a mud slip N slide- so having an extra outfit can potentially save the day. But overpacking can be a burden. More options=More time to choose. This evolves to less time having fun and more time Repacking that bag (because unfortunately, we all have to go home in the end). So for example, If you’re going Friday-Monday you should have 4-5 outfits and 2 outfits to sleep in. You also want to take into consideration any activities you have planned, don’t pack a skirt for a day you’re supposed to go ziplining. Most importantly, make sure you’re comfortable with what you’re bringing. Don’t regret bringing all super cute but rather uncomfortable outfits just to look your best.
2. Always bring a sweatshirt.
The weather looks great. 90 degrees and sunny all weekend, how’d you get so lucky? You’re loving every second of your weekend. Until the sun goes down and you shiver so hard you might pull a muscle. Okay, not that cold, but you get my point. It gets cold at night! If you’re debating on packing a heavier sweatshirt or sweatpants, just do it. Just don’t forget to pack a pair of PJ shorts too! You never know what sleeping weather is like until it happens. Don’t ruin your weekend because you were so cold you couldn’t bear another second by the campfire or couldn’t get a good night’s rest because of the weather.
3. Don’t Forget The Essentials

Whether it’s a girl’s weekend or you and your new beau’s first time away together, no one likes stinky breath and bad hygiene. If you’re anything like me, I’m more concerned about what I’m going to wear, where we’re going, and what fun stuff we have planned. (even if that fun stuff is just sitting around a campfire for 3 days straight). Because of this, toiletries tend to hit the back burner until the very last second. And we all know what happens when you pack last second: You forget the one thing you told yourself not to. So here are some of the essentials I recommend adding to your list to help pack a stress free bag for the weekend:
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- body wash/soap
- toothbrush/paste
- floss
- razor/cream
- lotion (no alligator elbows this weekend!)
- nail file/clippers
- Q-tips
- some sort of first aid kit (bandaids, pain relievers, antiseptic, etc.)
- vaseline/ baby powder- protect those thighs ladies!
- Hair Brush
- Hair accessories (i.e. extra elastics, clips, bands)
- Hair products-ONLY if you have to have them, I recommend the au natural look for laidback weekends!
- Baby wipes/flushable wipes
- & for us blind people: contact case/solution, extra set on contacts, glasses
It’s also good to check off certain living essentials. You may need to pack some toilet paper, tissues, and towels. But if you’re not camping outdoors- they should be provided. Just be sure to check that rustic cabin isn’t too rustic before you go!
4. Pack that bathing suit.
So it’s not exactly swimsuit season and you’re definitely not planning on swimming all weekend. So why would you pack it? I have been on many weekend getaways where I opted out of bringing my suit and completely regretted it. You never know if that lake is actually a lot warmer than you thought, or if there happens to be a heated pool in the lodge that your BF just forgot to mention. Besides, you’re not overpacking your outfits- so you should have plenty of room for that adorable bathing suit you just bought at the going out of season sale. Did I convince you? Great. Now don’t forget a swim towel!

5. Bring a reusable water bottle.
Let me guess, you’re bringing Solo cups so you don’t need to bring one. Wrong. So wrong. Have you ever been in nature? Do you know how many bugs can fly? Why worry about a bug-infested jungle juice (now that puts a whole new meaning to that phrase) when you can easily have a bottle that closes. With a cap. Plus, they’re great for bringing on small adventures through the woods, long walks, and for any day-trips you may have planned. Still, doubting its necessity? Remember, there’s nothing better than waking up to cold water in the middle of the night, and who wants to turn the lights on and bug-check before chugging?
6. Bring Sneakers
I know what you’re thinking. Plans for the weekend encompass nothing but lounging by the lake by day and the campfire by night. All sounds fine and dandy with flip flops. Until your best friend’s new beau suggests a small impromptu hike and everyone all of a sudden becomes one with nature. Don’t get stuck behind preparing a post-hike feast for everyone (unless that’s your thing, you do you!). Pack the sneakers, you’ll regret not being there for the bear sighting…well maybe not. But you get my point.
7. Going outdoors? Pack protection.
For the sun and bugs. Duh. Whether you’re roughing it in a tent or living semi-luxurious in a cabin, chances are, you’ll be spending some time outside. The last thing you want is to ruin your weekend getaway with a raging sunburn and seventeen mosquito bites.? Reapply sunscreen often. Spray yourself down with bug spray as soon as the sun starts setting, or when you’re planning on going to woodsy areas. I use repellent bands in addition to spray. You can never have too much protection! It might not be the most glamourous thing to smell of DEET and UV protection, but if you want to live a comfortable life, it’s kind of important. I mean, no one wants to go away for the weekend and come home with a nice case of west Nile or a questionable mole. Preventative care is the most important self-care.

8. Bring a flashlight- one with actual batteries.
We all take advantage of the fact that our phones are natural providers. Entertainment, communication, camera, flashlight. You name it, and there’s probably an App for it. But what happens when your phone dies? Or when you just want to, for once in your life, be really truly disconnected? Having an actual flashlight is something no one thinks of, but it’s truly SO important! Just be sure to have some fresh batteries in it before you pack it away- nothing is worse than turning it on to find a dulling bulb.
9. Electronics chargers
This one could go either way. If you’re planning on going all Into the Wild, then you probably don’t need them. If you’re like the rest of us, and you live in a comfortable disconnected yet still connected area- Don’t forget your chargers. If you’re camping, I suggest a portable charger as well. This gives you the capability of having your phone both throughout the day (that new instagram picture anyone?) and sleeping with your phone accessible. Simply charge your phone while you sleep, then charge your external charger in your car while you go off and adventure. Bonus if you have a solar charger!
Check out this article to find the best external charger for you: https://www.pcmag.com/news/the-best-portable-chargers-and-power-banks-for-2020
10. Rainy Day Activities
No one wants to think of bad weather ruining their long-awaited weekend. Unfortunately, it happens. Rain can either make you dreadful or force you to make the best of a situation. Always prepare for the worst. Bring things to occupy yourself, and others, for a dreary day. It can be anything from a good book-which can also be used as your beach read all weekend!– to a deck of cards. Of course, if you have WiFi accessibility, Netflix could benefit you greatly but no great memories were made while glued to a TV screen. Don’t do exactly what you’d be doing on your couch, be creative, you’re on vacation!
Looking for a great read to finish summer off the right way? Check out my book reviews here: https://bucketlistbroad.com/category/books/
If you follow these guidelines, you’re almost guaranteed to pack a stress free bag for your weekend getaway. Not only will your packing skills be more efficient, but you’ll notice you’ll pack significantly faster too (Hello, bonus episode of 90 Day Fiance’)! Lastly, if you’re traveling in 2020, be cautious and courteous, bring some hand Sani, & your mask!
Happy getaways y’all!
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