About Me.
I’m a 28 year old who is pretty much still trying to figure out life and everything it involves. I’m addicted to adventures and food, but am an introvert at heart. (Basically if I have a social meter that only goes so high and if I don’t know you, don’t expect me to leave my bubble…yet.) My friends and boyfriend somehow manage to deal with me and my wacky quirks, nerdy moments, and all the horrible puns I thrive to use on people. They accept me for who I am, including my OCD in planning, scheduling, and making sure I get the most of every. single. experience. Which is probably why they go along for the ride when I have a crazy idea to try something new. I’m a pure mix of go with the flow and have an itinerary. When I’m not planning my next adventure, you can typically find me nose deep in a fiction novel (We all need an escape from real life). I’ve learned the best ways to enjoy life, both travelling and in my hometown, and I’ve decided to share all my wonky thoughts with you all.

“You can’t say you don’t like it if you’ve never tried it.”
Growing up, my parents constantly were using this phrase.
It was DRILLED into my head. As an adult, it’s become my mantra. They’re the words I live by. Try everything once. Hated it? Never do it again. Loved it? You never would have known unless you tried. I have this phrase, the one repeated to the picky kid at the dinner table, to thank for all of the experiences, places, and food I’ve tried in my life. And this is just the beginning.
So where did it all start? How did I get here, writing to a bunch of strangers through a computer screen? Isn’t the answer obvious? Pinterest. I mean, C’mon, Let’s be honest, Pinterest is a godsend. I have used it for years, scouring pages to find the perfect itinerary for my next trip, that must-have lemonade hidden in Maui, the one thing that’ll make your BFF’s bachelorette one to remember, and the best ways to cook that weird vegetable my neighbor gave me that’s currently starting to rot on my counter. And this is when my lightbulb went off. If I’m compiling all of this information to get the best out of my life, why not share it with others so they get to experience it all too-but without the work?
Follow me throughout my trips around the globe, through my recipe book (& my stomach), and the experiences you never knew you needed until now. If I’ve traveled it, read it, ate it, TRIED IT, you’ll be hearing about it. I’ll tell you the best places to visit in a city, what to eat while you’re there, and what book you should be carrying in your bag. My goal is to give you the best experience you can get from life, without wasting time (&money) to figure it out. It may not be perfect, because let’s be real, I’m FAR from perfect, but it will be real.
Real stories, real struggles, real adventures.
REAL freaking LIFE.
My Name is Alyssa, and this is my story.